
Showing posts from December, 2019

The Human Being Has His Foundation in Matter - Sri Aurobindo

======================================================================== ======================================================================= 31/12/2019. Sri Aurobindo translates Taittiriya Upanishad, Brahmanandavalli, Chapter One (third part) :  ======================================================================= “And from the earth, herbs and plants; and from the herbs and plants, food; and from food man was born.  Verily man, this human being, is made of the essential substance of food.  And this that we see is the head of him, and this is his right side and this is his left; and this is his spirit and the self of him; and this is his lower member whereon he resteth abidingly.  Whereof this is the Scripture.” Food, in this context, represents the world of Matter.  The human being is constituted out of Matter, and the forces of the life-energy, as well as higher evolved forces such as mental energy, etc. all find their foundation for action ...

Taittiriya Upanishad - 1. Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================== ======================================================================= 19/12/2019. Post-1. ====================================================================== Until now, we have been passing through the foundational doctrine of the Upanishads – namely, the nature of the Ultimate Reality. What is there, finally? In several ways we have been told that whatever is there, finally, can be only a single Reality and it cannot be more than one. ##This concept was corroborated by a famous mantra that I quoted from the Rig Veda Samhita – #ekam sat : "Existence is one only." The Ultimate Being is Existence. Being and Existence mean the same thing. That which exists cannot be more than one. Everything has to exist, in some form or the other. Trees exist, stones exist, you exist, I exist, mountains exist, stars exist – all things exist. Existence is a common factor underlying every modification t...