Taittiriya Upanishad - 7. Swami Krishnananda

========================================================= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, May 20, 2020. Post-7. ---------------------------------------------- 1. *Everything in the world has a subjective side and an objective side. #I conceive of myself as a subject and, for some other reason, I also conceive of myself as an object. The impact that is produced upon me by conditions that are not me may make me feel that I am an object, but the impact that I produce on the external conditions may make me feel that I am a subject. ##That which exists outside my perceiving consciousness may make me conceive of myself as a subject of perception, but the presence of such an object for itself will appear as an object. This dualism, cosmically introduced at the very beginning of things, is the subject of all the religious doctrines of creation, wherever one may go in this world. God created the world, someho...