
Showing posts from April, 2022

Lesson on The Taittiriya Upanishad - 3. Swami Krishnananda.

 ============================================================== ============================================================== Wednesday,  April 20, 2022. 21:00. Post-3. =============================================================== Brahman experience is not an object of contact; it is an identity. The object is the experiencing consciousness itself. The content of awareness becomes the awareness; existence and consciousness merge into each other. Sat becomes chit, chit becomes sat. It is not actually one thing becoming another thing; the one thing is the other thing. Existence is nothing but the consciousness of existence. When you say that you exist, you are at the same time affirming that you are conscious that you exist. You are not merely existing, minus the consciousness of existence. It is not an appendage that is added on to existence in the form of consciousness. Consciousness is not a quality or an attribute of existence, like the greenness of a leaf or the redness ...

Lesson on The Taittiriya Upanishad - 2. Swami Krishnananda

 ============================================================== ============================================================= Friday, April 15, 2022. 20;00. Post-2. =============================================================== When this universal Brahman is conceived as the deepest reality of an individual, it is called the Atman—the essential Self of anything. It is the essential Self and not the physical, not the mental, not even the causal sheath of your personality; all of these, as you know very well, get negated in another condition of your being—namely, deep sleep. The analysis of deep sleep is a master key to open the gates of the secret of your own existence. Neither the body, nor the mind, nor this so-called ignorant sheath can be considered as your own reality. Blissful sleep cannot be a condition of ignorance, because the experience of bliss has to go together with a kind of consciousness of that experience. This essential Being of yours indicates the character of the...

Lesson on The Taittiriya Upanishad - 1. Swami Krishnananda

================================================================ ================================================================ Sunday, April 03, 2022. 20;30. Post-1. ============================================================== Until now, we have been passing through the foundational doctrine of the Upanishads—namely, the nature of the Ultimate Reality. What is there, finally? In several ways we have been told that whatever is there, finally, can be only a single Reality and it cannot be more than one. This concept was corroborated by a famous mantra that I quoted from the Rig Veda Samhita—ekam sat: “Existence is one only.” The Ultimate Being is Existence. Being and Existence mean the same thing. That which exists cannot be more than one. Everything has to exist, in some form or the other. Trees exist, stones exist, you exist, I exist, mountains exist, stars exist—all things exist. Existence is a common factor underlying every modification thereof as name and form. Whatever be the ...