Lesson on The Taittiriya Upanishad - 4. Swami Krishnananda.

============================================================ ============================================================ Thursday, May 12, 2022. 21:00. Post-4. =============================================================== The Universal cannot be thought by the mind and, therefore, that cosmic point also cannot be really thought of. Astronomers call it the cosmic atom. But the word ‘atom' has such peculiar suggestiveness to our thinking mind that often we are likely to slip into the thought of it being a little, small thing. The smallness and the bigness question does not arise there. In that condition, we cannot say what is small and what is big. “Who is a tall man?” If I ask you this, whom will you bring? “Bring a short man.” These are all relative terms. In comparison with a tall man, someone may look short, etc. So there is no such thing as a tall man or a short man, a long shirt or a short shirt; they are comparative words. So, too, we cannot say what kind of atom it was....