The Essence of the Aitareya and Taittiriya Upanishads 1.6. - Swami Krishnananda.

========================================================================= Friday, January 20, 2022. 06:30. Chapter 1: Introduction - 6. ========================================================================= VIDEO : What you will be in your next birth? ========================================================================= Two of the important Upanishads are the Aitareya and the Taittiriya, which are related to each other in a way, and coextensive in content—the one emphasising one aspect of the matter, and the other a coordinated theme. The Aitareya and the Taittiriya Upanishads speak of the same theme, but from two different points of view. They try to answer the question of life by reference to causes. This is a very proper attitude, no doubt. We know very well that every question, when it is attempted to be answered, brings us to its causative factors. Why is there a disease? Why is a person sick? We ask questions of this kind. In reply, we try to find out the present caus...