The Essence of the Aitareya and Taittiriya Upanishads -2.4.& 3.1. - Swami Krishnananda.

Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF) : Happy Ram Navami. Greetings on the auspicious Ramanavami day! May Lord Shri Ramchandra bestow His grace and blessings on all of us. ========================================================================= Thursday, March 30, 2023. 07:30. Chapter 2: The Atman -4. Chapter 3: Ishvara and Jiva-1 ========================================================================= Chapter 2: The Atman -4. The universe was an effect of the Atman. It does not stand in the position of a cause, outside us, stimulating our senses to activity, as it happens to us today. The presence of an object stimulates our senses and the mind, and then we become conscious of the object. Then we establish a relationship with the world outside. The world is first, and we come afterwards here in this individual, empirical state. But there, it was not like that. The world was subsequent; and here, we become the consequents. Now, this is a very crucial point where we have to ver...