Taittiriya Upanishad - 5. Swami Krishnananda

========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 22/04/2020. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. *Tasmat va etasmat atmana akasas sambhutah (Tait. 2.1.1) : *"From this Universal Atman, space emanated" – as it were. *This is something hard for us to conceive at the present moment. **Space is actually the negation of the infinity of Brahman. Infinity does not mean extension or dimension – but space is extension, dimension, distance. So, immediately a contradiction is introduced at the very beginning of the concept of creation. **God is negated, as it were, for various reasons, the moment creation is conceived, one reason being that the creation appears as an external manifestation, whereas God – Brahman – is the Universal Existence. ***We know the difference between universality and externality. #The moment there is the concept of space, there i...