Taittiriya Upanishad - 5. Swami Krishnananda



*Tasmat va etasmat atmana akasas sambhutah (Tait. 2.1.1) :

*"From this Universal Atman, space emanated" – as it were.

*This is something hard for us to conceive at the present moment.

**Space is actually the negation of the infinity of Brahman. Infinity does not mean extension or dimension – but space is extension, dimension, distance. So, immediately a contradiction is introduced at the very beginning of the concept of creation.

**God is negated, as it were, for various reasons, the moment creation is conceived, one reason being that the creation appears as an external manifestation, whereas God – Brahman – is the Universal Existence.

***We know the difference between universality and externality.

#The moment there is the concept of space, there is also automatically introduced into it the concept of time. We cannot separate space and time. Duration and extension go together.

#Actually, according to modern findings at least, space and time are not dead appearances, lifeless presentations before us.

##For us, to our common perception, spatial extension may look like a lifeless dimension which does not speak, which does not think, which has nothing to say.

##Time also seems to be some kind of movement which has no brain to think; it is like a machine moving like a bulldozer in some direction.

##This is what we may think with our paltry, inadequate knowledge of what space and time are.

###Space and time are not dead things; they are basic vibrations of the cosmos. Motion goes together with space-time. Not only according to modern scientific terminology, but also in the ancient thought of the Agama and Tantra, one may say that the concept of space-time goes together with motion, force.
To be continued ...



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