
Showing posts from June, 2020

Taittiriya Upanishad - 10. Swami Krishnananda

Wednesday, June 24, 2020.10:06.AM. Post-10. 1. So our individuality, as a symbol of conscious existence, is a contribution; it comes from the prana, the vital energy that is operating within this body. But the prana is operating because of the thoughts of the mind. We can direct the prana, or the energy, in different directions by the concentration of thought of the mind. If the mind thinks only of one particular thing, the pranic energy is directed to that particular thing only. Little children look beautiful because of the equal distribution of pranic energy in their bodies. They do not have sensory desires projected through any particular organ. As the child grows and grows, he becomes less beautiful to look at because the senses begin to appropriate much of the pranic energy for their own individual operation. The senses become more and more active when we grow into adults or old men. But a little child is beautiful. Whether it is a king's child or a beggar's child, one can...

Taittiriya Upanishad - 9. Swami Krishnananda

Thursday, June 18, 2020. Post-9. 1. The cosmic sheaths can be conceived, and they are really conceived many a time when we speak of Brahman becoming Ishvara, Ishvara becoming Hiranyagarbha, Hiranyagarbha becoming Virat, and so on.  These sheaths in us – the physical, vital, mental, intellectual and causal – are the inverted forms of the otherwise-vertical, we may say, forms of the cosmic sheaths which are in the form of the five elements – earth, water, fire, air and ether, going upwards from below.  The Ultimate satyam jnanam anantam is negated, as it were, in this creation, because the Universal being is absent in all that is external. The word 'external' contradicts anything that can be considered as universal. In a way, God is denied in this world.  We cannot see God anywhere; we see only particulars and spread-out things which are external in nature. Nevertheless, as the Isavasya Upanishad warns us, the so-called negated, abolished existence of the Supreme Reality is...

Taittiriya Upanishad - 8. Swami Krishnananda

Monday, June 08, 2020. Post-8. 1. Taittiriya Upanishad Chapter-2 : On the Bliss that is Brahmam Brahmananda valli.  Section-1 : Brahmam is Satyam, Jnanam, Anandam - Enunciation of the Doctrine of Sheaths. Mantram-2. Tasmad va etasmad atmana akasa sambhutah,  akasad vayuh, vayor agnih, agner apah,  adbhyah prthivi, prthivya osadhayah  osadhibhyo - nnam annat - purushah." (Tait. 2.1.2):  "All vegetation started from the earth." Osadhibhyo annam : The diet that we consume is nothing but the vegetation growing on earth.  Annat purushah : Our personality is an adumbration, solidification, concretisation, clarification – whatever we may call it – of the food that we eat.  In the personality of the human being we find in a miniature form all that has come cosmically down to the earth, right from the Supreme Brahman – satyam jnanam anantam brahma.  So the universe is called brahmanda and the individual is called pindanda.  The macrocosm is the univer...